You probably already know the saying- when in doubt – throw it out!

What I prefer is to say is move it out and move your good forward, out and into the world. When you get rid of your excess, your life will improve dramatically!

Here is how to do it: Every time you find an item in your home or workspace that you don’t use, need or love, move it forward. Most items can be useful to someone else so I rarely throw anything into the trash.

When you move your good forward into the world it always comes back to you 10 fold over.

Maybe you didn’t use that electric carving knife last year, or the year before or even the year before that . . . In fact until recently, you forgot you even owned one! This is an item that you can easily donate to a charity so that they can make money to support their cause.

Every item that you donate magnifies itself into more good than you might expect.The people you help are the employees who intake your donations, the ones who repair and clean and assemble, the employees who price your items and the cashiers who get paid to take the money from the people who are thrilled to save money and buy your donated item.

And now you have a bit of extra space in your drawer for items that you actually use. It is a win, win, win!

Many things can be recycled and even unmatched socks will get recycled by your local donation station. They actually make money selling unmatched items as a fabric recycling product.

An easy way to rid your home of excess is to set up a permanent donation bin within your home. A bin or bag that is always in the same easy-to-access location wil help you get rid of things quickly.

If you are like me, every day I come across random items in my home. Yesterday I came across two sets of measuring spoons. Why do I need two sets and where did the spare set come from? I have no idea but I don’t need two sets and it extra set went right into my handy-dandy donation bin tucked away in my hall closet!

Your master closet is another great place to place a donation bin. I always have a bag tucked in under my dresses so that I can quickly get rid of things I out on that no longer fit or just aren’t what my style has evolved to.

This donation bin is my way of quickly getting rid of unloved clothes. Before I had one stashed in my closet, I wold talk myself into keeping the shirt or slacks I tried on  but didn’t like. I used the old adage but I might wear it someday! Sound familiar? I will never ever get rid of my master closet donation bin because it make it much easier to keep me honest and keep my closet from overflowing!

If you are truly serious about getting your home organized, creating a donation station (or two) in your home will provide an easy way to move forward with ease. As a professional organizer, I find things all of the time that I no longer need, use or love and now I have a quick way to get them gone!

One more quick tip – find out where your closet donation center is and go there once a month to drop off your box full of items. DO NOT put them in your garage, Put them immediately in your car so they will actually leave and you will have succeeded in moving your good forward. Just saying….

Try it, you will like it!

Kathi Burns

Would like to feel more organized? If so, Kathi is here to help you.

Kathi’s expert advice has been featured in national media outlets including Oprah Magazine, Martha Stewart Living and Better Homes and Gardens, Entrepreneur Magazine, and more.

As the author of 2 books, Kathi has also developed several online courses to help clients get better organized and energized in all areas of their home, life, and business.

Check out all of the systems you can use here

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