Would You Like To Get Your Life Better Organized in 7 Days?
Do you feel overwhelmed, exhausted and
want to tear your hair out?
Or feel like this…confident, organized and amazingly care-free?
Do you ever feel like you are failing at getting your life in order?
You don’t have time for fun or family because you are possessed by your possessions?
Do you fail to see the results of your organizing projects no matter how many times you try?!!
If so, you are not alone. Many of my clients, and myself included, have felt the same way.
Defeated. Overwhelmed. Exhausted.
Simply unable to see how to get out of the mess they have found themselves in.
There are a few essential daily habits that totally support an organized and decluttered life.
When these habits become a normal part of your routine, you will have increased energy and confidence to overcome even the most difficult challenges in your life.
One bonus is that when you put these habits into practice and start decluttering your life, you will stay super motivated because you will experience more freedom and a greater sense of peace.
Your mind won’t be consumed about what might be falling through the cracks in your life.
Instead you will easily focus more on your long-term goals and all of the good things happening in your life! You will also have more space for relationships and new adventures.
After seeing the remarkable changes that happen in my client’ s lives when they begin to get organized, I decided to take the systems I teach my clients to a new level by offering it to those who can’t afford one-on-one training with a professional organizer.
Once I decided to create this online training program I went through the same process that my clients experienced before they decided to hire a professional organizer.
Just like you, at times I felt defeated, overwhelmed and stuck.
Building my online training programs has demanded new daily habits and visualization practices along with adapting to and learning new skill sets.
I had to let go of old habits, release the clutter in my mind in order to translate what I do every day in-person into something that my online community can understand and implement.
Creating a support system and accountability was a key ingredient to this process and it was not an easy task.
But I kept focus, purchased fantastic training programs, hired a mentor and implemented many of the basic skills I learned in past careers.
You see, before I was a professional organizer I lived my life as a yacht delivery captain.
In the small space of a boat I had to incorporate fundamental daily habits of minimalism in order to live without daily stress.
I had to know where everything was stowed and be able to access it quickly when needed.
These habits gave me the space, energy and ability to pursue my then long-term goal of becoming a footloose travel writer.
For years I successfully lived life from a suitcase and followed my dreams without excess possessions holding me back.
Ironically, before I became a professional organizer, I thought everyone knew how to live minimal . . . and that everyone loved and embraced change as much as I did.
I am not saying that you should become a traveling gypsy or get paid to sail upon the 7 seas.
But I do know that if you are willing to invest the time, energy, and dedication it takes to clear your life of the unnecessary, you will be rewarded with increased energy, freedom and happiness.
In order to do this, you have to get it right from the beginning.
This is why my task of creating an online training program was so difficult. Most of us, including myself, assume we aren’t working hard enough.
Maybe so . . .
But just like my journey while creating this training program, I want you to create 7 new habits that will support you for the rest of your life.
By the way, my trainings are so helpful that I’ve been featured on:
Let me explain these 7 simple habits in my 7 Days To An Organized and Energized Life System.
If you miss these basic steps, you will never have the foundation of lifestyle habits necessary to build your life of freedom and joy.
Every client I work with is required to tackle these steps FIRST in order to crush their long-term goals.
Yes, creating a game plan and setting aside time to do it are the #1 and #2 most important habits to get our life in order. But if we stop there, so does our progress!
It’s not about pushing harder and working longer until we are exhausted.
It’s about reaching wider into the areas of our lives that have been neglected and then creating simple and sustainable systems for long term success.
The 7 Days To An Organized and Energized Life System will help you build a solid foundation of lifestyle habits so that you can reach your dreams.
Once you master these you will be free to create whatever lifestyle you desire.
If this sounds like something that might help declutter and improve your life,
I encourage you to take action now, create more time for yourself and save money.
If you were to hire me one on one it would cost you at least $2,200.00
If you were to go to a training program like others offer, it would cost at least $997.00
If you were to spend the 16 years it has taken me to become a board certified organizing expert, it would cost you at least this… $47,800.00
But as a new member I am going to charge you a lot less than that . . .
This planning module will show you how to determine the best time for you to get organized and how to make it fit into your very busy schedule.
This will help you because the majority of people who want to get organized never take the time to actually do it.
We will help you focus and plan based on your unique lifestyle and begin to take action.
You will learn how to use trigger points combined with specific action steps that will jetapult you into action with less effort than trying to do it all on your own.
This time management module includes 5 action steps to help you get started and save time.
Doesn’t it seems like there are a lot of people around you who seem to get a lot more accomplished than you?
Every successful person gets more done in less time because they have taken the time to determine the shortest route to their end result.
Knowing where your time goes will help you determine what you should and most importantly what you SHOULD NOT be doing every day.
This visionary module will help you make a plan and envision your perfect end result.
Having a vision with a plan is super important to reaching your desired outcome.
After all, a plan without clear steps is merely a dream.
We want your dream of an organized and energized life to become reality!
During this in-depth time management session you will begin to identify what you do that you should not include into your schedule.
Life happens and we are often in reaction mode.This module will help you develop lists and clarify the best steps to take to reach your desired outcome.
You will become decisive action taker and better able to reach your goals quickly.
This module will show you how to take the new-found time and freedom you have created and spend more energy on yourself.
This is important because most of us take time to nurture everyone around us and never take time for ourself.
Depleted energy does not help those around you and it definitely does not help you stay healthy or stay happy.
When you have energy, you are motivated and more loving to everyone around you.
This implementation session will show you how to create a new routine that moves you towards your goal of being organized and energized.
Routines help you create a lifestyle that has less stress because important things get done and you will no longer spend sleepless nights wondering what fell through the cracks!
Once your routine is structured and created around your day to day lifestyle, you will be able to get your life organized and optimized with less effort and less stress.
This session will celebrate your success as you begin to embrace your new life and keep your momentum going. Your new routines create a new-found freedom and much more free time.
You will experience the joy of being organized and energized.
Routines help you create a lifestyle that has less stress because important things get done and you will no longer spend sleepless nights wondering what fell through the cracks!
Now your day to day lifestyle provides better sleep, less worry and most of all, a feeling of mastery and happiness!
Congratulations – you have made a HUGE difference in your life and the life of those around you!
But I am not going to charge you that . . .
If you take action and stop procrastinating you will stop spending useless dollars buying things you never use and/or frequently lose.
Think about all of the clothes in your closet that you have never worn that still have tags on them. You might thinking well why would I spend money on something like this?
Think of it this way – Instead of spending the money on things that you buy but never use, wouldn’t you rather spend money on something that creates a life with more freedom, serenity and relaxation?
Instead of spending $30 for a new blouse that you might never wear, wouldn’t you rather spend money on creating a better life for yourself?
A life that gives you more time for fun, less embarrassment and more interesting experiences?
Day 1: Plan a 15 Minute Daily ‘Focus Time’ (value $50)
Day 2: See Where Your Time Goes (value $200)
Day 3: Imagine Your Perfect Energized Life (value $50)
Day 4: Eliminate Your Busyness (value $200)
Day 5: Decide to Nurture Yourself (value $50)
Day 6: Create a Routine (value $200)
Day 7: Wrap Up To Celebrate Your Success! (Priceless)
Bonus #1: The Top 5 SAQ’s value $20
When you take action, you will also receive a free bonus that is normally sold for $20 but is included free when you take action today
BONUS ONE – This bonus includes the Top 5 Should Ask Questions about how to get organized along with professional and actionable answers. This is a $20 value.
I know a few of these questions are probably going through your head right now:
Questions like:
How do I decide where to begin?
How do I stay motivated and energized as I clear my space?
We often live life overwhelmed and unable to think about moving forward.
This bonus will explain how to overcome your overwhelm and how to create lasting results.
We are bred to be consumers. At a certain point, our possessions possess us, consume our time and deplete our energy.
This is your opportunity to stop the cycle of spending money on more things that you don’t need or ever use.
So in reality, instead of wasting money buying clothes that don’t go with anything ion your closet, or kitchen gadgets that you never think to use, why don’t you spend it on creating a better life for yourself?
Along with the Top 5 Should Asked Questions, here is another bonus you are going to receive:
This is your gift to say congratulations and as a way of rewarding you for taking action!
Bonus #2: The Top 5 FAQ’s value $20
Also known as the top 5 frequently asked questions that I receive while helping clients get organized.
Questions like:
How do I motivate myself to get started?
Where should I begin?
How can I create lasting organizing systems in my life?And so much more…
This second bonus is normally sold for $20 but is included in your price today.
You will also receive Bonus #1: The Top SAQ’s (Value $20).
If you don’t take action today, and you keep living in a cluttered and overwhelmed environment, how is that going to make you feel? How will it affect your relationships? What are your actions teaching your kids?
Are you ashamed to have friends come over to visit?
Do you have to meet them in coffee shops or other places because you are too embarrassed to invite them into your home?
It is time to stop your cycle of procrastination and take action for yourself. Take time to create a better life for you and those around you too!
Day 1: Plan a 15 Minute Daily ‘Focus Time’ (value $50)
Day 2: See Where Your Time Goes (value $200)
Day 3: Imagine Your Perfect Energized Life (value $50)
Day 4: Eliminate Your Busyness (value $200)
Day 5: Decide to Nurture Yourself (value $50)
Day 6: Create a Routine (value $200)
Day 7: Wrap Up To Celebrate Your Success! (Priceless)
Bonus #1: The Top SAQs To Get Organized (value $20)
Bonus #2: The Top 5 FAQ’s (value $20)
But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that . . . Why?
Because I’ve known how awful it feels to live in a cluttered world . . . to not know where your things are . . . to be embarrassed and feel ashamed and judged.
I’m willing to be I used to be a LOT like you. And for that reason, and as a special thank you for being a part of our community I’m not going to charge the normal price of $100.
Keep in mind that my private clients pay me $100 for a 15 minute call consultation. That means they get a FRACTION of what you’ll pay here. I’m not even going to charge you $50 . . .
How about I give you the system that is transforming so many lives for just $47?
If you break that down into the value you get a day . . . that’s a little over a $1.
Don’t you agree your sanity, pride and sense of calm are worth a whole LOT more than just a buck? I sure hope so!
So decide now if you feel this is for you or not. I know my teachings work…if they didn’t why would I be featured on Oprah, Real Simple, Better Homes & Gardens, Martha Stewart and so many more?
I’ll tell you why…because these solid, and easy to use systems WORK!
They’ve worked for THOUSANDS of my clients, students and readers…and I GUARANTEE they’ll work for you (if you enroll NOW, and if you take action).
So the choice is yours. Remain stuck where you are, or invest in yourself now.
If you don’t absolutely love The 7 Days To An Organized and Energized Life System, for any reason, simply contact my support email ‘[email protected]’ within 60 days and we’ll give you 100% of your money back. Plus you can keep the 7 Day Training absolutely free.
That means there is absolutely no risk to you to try this training out. It’s my hope you find this as transformational as all the other women who have enrolled.
Creating a game plan and setting aside time to do it are the #1 and #2 most important habits to get our life in order. But if we stop there, so does our progress!
It’s not about pushing harder and working longer until we are exhausted. It’s about reaching wider into the areas of our lives that have been neglected and then creating simple and sustainable systems for long term success.
The 7 Days To An Organized and Energized Life System is a series of videos, worksheets and checklists designed to help you build a solid foundation of lifestyle habits so that you can reach your dreams.
Once you master these you will be free to create whatever lifestyle you desire.
If this sounds like something that might help declutter and improve your life, I encourage you to take action now and enroll.
Once you do this, you’ll get instant access to these trainings in our exclusive Membership Area. Plus, you’ll get access to 30 days free of the Insider’s Club, my private Facebook group, where our community can support you in your efforts.
This is your golden opportunity to make your big dreams of creating a clutter-free home, life and work space come true once and for all!
+ The end of your overwhelm.
+ The end of your indecision.
+ The end of your procrastination.
+ The beginning of freedom and energized inspiration!
I know you can do this and I can’t wait for you to get the results that you desire: peace, renewed energy and more free time!
So decide now if you’re ready to finally shed your clutter and live free! If you’re ready to stop feeling embarrassed when over you invite company over.
If you’re ready to know where everything is so you’re not feeling stressed out.
Imagine how great your life will be once you take these quick and easy action steps to finally getting your life organized!
Stop feeling overwhelmed and exhausted . . . and start feeling the relief of empowerment and peace as you master your muck for good!